Top World Taboos 《culture》世界著名禁忌《文化篇》 by AK LEE
下週我們要講 Top World Taboos 《culture》世界著名禁忌《文化篇》 應該是個挺有趣的話題 基礎板班及個別班的學生可有要求選修此課
1. Chopsticks (筷子: 中國 日本)---There are many stories about chopsticks. In
Japan, whatever any reason, you can’t stick chopsticks into the rice
bowl and then leave away, because it’s an omen of unlucky and it makes
Japanese associate as gravestones. By the way, using one end which you
put into your month to pick up food into
your bowl is though as a rude behavior, you should use the other end.
In China and other countries, it’s impolite to point to other people
with chopsticks.
2. Visiting Mosques (清真寺) ---All the people,
whatever Muslim or not, need to take off shoes before walking into
mosques. You travelers should obey Moslemic clothing style. Men should
wear long pants and shirts, and women should cover all the revealed
skin. For this rule, though different country has different restrict.
The ladies should take the kerchief. If you don’t have, you can borrow
one at the most mosque entrance.
3. Taking Flowers as a Gift
以花為禮---In Ukraine, if you plan to take flowers as a gift, be sure the
flowers are odd number, because flowers in even number are used for
funeral. If you plan to send flowers to the hostess, or to celebrate
someone’s birthday or some special date, remember don’t take yellow
flowers or Easter lily (used for funeral too)
4. Kiss 親吻---In
Cheshire of UK, train passengers are not allowed to overstay, intimately
talk or kiss at railway platform (月台). If you really have a lot of
words to talk or want to kiss, you can move to kiss area.
5. Salt
鹽---Although Egyptians are very hospitable (好客的) , their cooking is
light. When you travel to Egypt, don’t add salt in your bowl, because
that would be regarded as an insult for chef. Fortunately, Egyptians
always use garlic, onion and other spices, so Egyptian food are
6. Visiting Churches (教堂)---If you plan to Italian
churches at warm weather, be sure not only take short pants or
sleeveless clothing (not allowed, be sure to take proper clothing).
There are guardsmen or believers checking visitors clothing at the gate,
so make sure taking one long sleeves shirt or pullover (套頭衣).
7. V
Gesture (手勢) Stands for Success----In British, when you making gestures
like V, be sure not make your centre of the palm face to you, because
this gesture is regarded as insult or provocation (挑釁). It is said that
the gesture of V is derived from Anglo-French War. France threatened
that they would cut off the fingers of British shooters. The result was
that British won in the war, and then they made this gesture to show
their fingers were intact without injury.
8. Insult (侮辱) the
King---Thais regard their king Bhumibol Adulyadej as God and take his
portrait as a talisman (護身符) to keep them lucky. So insulting or injury
the King can lead to dire consequences or even be sent to jail about 15
years. ( 來想想動詞: “判決” 的英文要怎麼講? 判完了以後真正“被關/監禁”呢? )
9. Cheers
(乾杯)---Hungarians don’t cheers when they toasted with others, because
Austrians once killed 13 Hungarians and then cheers up for this. For the
following 150 years, no one Hungarian cheers when they are toasting.
Although the tragic (悲劇) passed a long time, this tradition is kept so
10. Eat up All the Food on the Plate吃完盤中食---In Cambodia,
eating up all the food on the plate means the host doesn’t treat you
well and don’t give you enough food.
(1) In India, 你該把盤中食物吃完嗎?在柬埔寨呢?
(2) How do you say “乾杯” in English? How about 只是“舉杯祝酒”呢?
(3) “澳大利亞” “奧地利” 的英文是甚麼 respectively? Austr----- Austr---
(4) 你覺得在 UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand 作手掌向內的 V sign 表示甚麼呢?
(5) stab chopsticks in the rice remind Asian people of “燒香”, 那“燒香” 的英文怎麼講?
(6) 你學會了 “之後的”叫 f 那 “之前的” 怎麼講? P
(7) “悲劇”叫作 tragedy 那”喜劇”呢? c
(8) Some people like to paint “portraits”, while others like to paint “land ”
``````大家拭目以待囉 :-)))
Top World Taboos 《culture》世界著名禁忌《文化篇》 by AK LEE
2012年5月20日 星期日
What is "muggle" (麻瓜)??? (by AK Lee)
What is "muggle" (麻瓜)??? (by AK Lee)
(muggle), 字典裡面可能找不到這個字 首先 它是個俚語 (slang) 指的是一個大麻作的香煙 (a marijuana
cigarette), 在來就是沒有特殊技能或無知的俗人 Harry Potter 電影囉 作者 J.K.
就用mugger來講那些不具神力的平凡人. My mom asked me what is "mugger" while watching
the TV yesterday. Well, first of all, you probably can't find it in your
dictionary. It's an old slang (back in 1920s) which means "a marijuana
cigarette". And it is also referred to people who are ignorant, people
without special skills or power. J.K. Rowing used this word in Harry
Potter to indicate people without magic power.
What is "muggle" (麻瓜)??? (by AK Lee)

What is "muggle" (麻瓜)??? (by AK Lee)
2012年5月11日 星期五
Car Rental (by AK LEE)
Car Rental (by AK LEE)
下裡拜上租車 (car rental) 基礎班及個別班的同學有興趣可以要求聽講此課程 這對於你未來的國際旅遊很有幫助喔
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你租過車嗎? Have you rented a car before? 租車有太多的陷阱及注意事項 too many tips &
pitfalls to watch out when it comes to renting a
car....!!!下次就來聊一聊租車這個話題吧...Let 's talk about Car Rental next time.....see you guys soon....:-)))
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當你go on a vacation
的時後, 你必須能夠 get around , 所以你可能會選擇to rent a car. 首先你必須要 contact 一個 car
rental agency 問他說你們有那些 types of vehicles available. 舉例來說 (For example),
你最後租了一台 SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle) 你希望可以開它去作一些 sightseeing.
結果你以weekly rate of $40 a day 的價位租到手, 但這個價位是 not including tax; 好佳在(台語)
…這台 SUV 可以讓你開 unlimited miles, 所以當你開長途時你不須要擔心 pay extra… 當然囉,
你要自己付gas費用, 想想看:
Question 1: 你覺得跟租車公司買 gasoline 是個 good idea 嗎?
是Full Out; Full In 還是 Full Out; Empty In 比較好呢? (Andy’s bad experience
with “Prepaid Gas Option” in Hawaii)
rental agency 可能會recommend 你買 insurance, 於是你就開始hesitate 了…..???!!!
Question 2: 當別人推薦你買insurance 時, 你應該accept 或是decline呢? 甚麼時後可以不要purchase insurance呢? 甚麼是 waiver 呢? 各國有些特殊的 law 限制嗎?
Question 3: 如果你決定要買insurance 基本上有那幾種 choices呢? 你知道其中那一種的是最為廣泛強制被required的嗎 (including Taiwan)?
Insurance 最主要有兩種:
(I) comprehensive /full coverage)
(II) liability ( 3rd party)
其它additional car protection plans還有如: (a) collision (b) medical
payments (c) property damage ,它們分別於car accident發生時 cover甚麼呢? 小心: 不要
get your car over insured…!!!
接下來你就要作一個完整的 visual inspection 了,
仔細的看一看有沒有 dents 或是 scratches 或甚至是cigarette burns…etc.
看完後將每項問題記在inspection form 上面 這麼一來你才不會 be liable for previous
damages啊….very important…!!!
Finally, 一切都妥當了,你就可以 sign the rental agreement 並且開始你的 vacation囉.
假期結束前就要把 SUV開回來return 給這家car rental agency, 要延期 (extend) 怎麼辦?
Question 4: 除了going on vacation 之外, what are some other reasons you
would rent a car? Have you ever rented a car before? 如果有的話,
談談你的experience(s) 吧…
Question 5: 有那些常見的sizes of car 可以去 choose 呢?除了 sedan 外, 還那些常見的 types of car 可以去 choose 呢?
Question 6: 省錢 省錢 省錢 !!! How to save money…??? (package, online, weekend, re-check, off airport) 預約租車須要deposit 嗎?
其它常用字彙: reservation, last name/first name, pick up & return,
upgrade, special offer/deal, full gas tank, additional drivers (25+),
contract, parking space (#), parking lot, local map, manual –or-
automatic, driver’s license, late charge, rental extension
Car Rental (by AK LEE)
2012年4月24日 星期二
questions regarding transport/transit/MRT 有關大眾捷運系統交通相關問題 (by AK)
transport/transit/MRT 有關大眾捷運系統交通相關問題 (by AK Lee)
questions regarding transport/transit/MRT 這裡拜上有關大眾捷運系統交通, 在此對於同學所提的一些相關問題統一作回答;
1. You wrote “psychological values” last email. Could I use “mental values” instead of it?
2. I’m confused about: Public transport 公共運輸系統? Public transportation 公共運輸工具? Public transit ?
3. 轉運點: transit or transfer?
(1) yes you can, "mental" is more
causal while "psychological" is more formal, also you should always use
"psychological" when you're referring something broader, especially
with medical attributes.
(2) There is no major difference between transportation & transport in modern English. Initially, "transportation" only meant the carriages (the hardware part) of the goods or people. Since the late 17th century, "transportation" has been widely used to include the shipping & system (beyond the hardware itself), which is almost equal to "transport" now. Also please be noted that "transport" can be used as a verb, but "transportation can't. I would say 70% of native speakers use "transport" now. Like I said in the class, "transit" means a variety of transport system, which provides a wide range transfer/connection options.
(3) be practical in learning English, you should use different words/expressions on a case-by-case basis according to the situations. Never got trapped by the rigid translation between 2 languages, it won't work! I would say "a transit point/station" in more formal/professional occasions with a broader (macro) point of view, while use "transfer" in common conversation with a narrower point of view or in individual (micro) cases. There is nothing right or wrong, simply suitable or not.
(A) Taipei Main Station is the major transit hub (or transit center or even transport center) in Northern Taiwan. (since you are making a formal/serious statement, you should use "transit")
(B) After I arrive the Taipei Main Station by bus, I need to make a transfer to Taipei 101 by MRT...... (very low-key conversation, it may sound corny if you use "transit").
Again, be flexible & sensitive in utilizing words/phrases/expressions, there is no one definite way to say things, wording should be chosen wisely & selectively to fit the situations.
(2) There is no major difference between transportation & transport in modern English. Initially, "transportation" only meant the carriages (the hardware part) of the goods or people. Since the late 17th century, "transportation" has been widely used to include the shipping & system (beyond the hardware itself), which is almost equal to "transport" now. Also please be noted that "transport" can be used as a verb, but "transportation can't. I would say 70% of native speakers use "transport" now. Like I said in the class, "transit" means a variety of transport system, which provides a wide range transfer/connection options.
(3) be practical in learning English, you should use different words/expressions on a case-by-case basis according to the situations. Never got trapped by the rigid translation between 2 languages, it won't work! I would say "a transit point/station" in more formal/professional occasions with a broader (macro) point of view, while use "transfer" in common conversation with a narrower point of view or in individual (micro) cases. There is nothing right or wrong, simply suitable or not.
(A) Taipei Main Station is the major transit hub (or transit center or even transport center) in Northern Taiwan. (since you are making a formal/serious statement, you should use "transit")
(B) After I arrive the Taipei Main Station by bus, I need to make a transfer to Taipei 101 by MRT...... (very low-key conversation, it may sound corny if you use "transit").
Again, be flexible & sensitive in utilizing words/phrases/expressions, there is no one definite way to say things, wording should be chosen wisely & selectively to fit the situations.
transport/transit/MRT 有關大眾捷運系統交通相關問題 (by AK Lee)
2012年4月20日 星期五
the Earth Day 世界地球日 (by AK Lee)
the Earth Day 世界地球日 (by AK Lee)
明天就是世界地球日了 節能減碳作了沒呢 注意一下我們留下的碳足跡喔 (Carbon Footprint)....還記得環保三R是甚麼嗎? 大家跟我一起來想想英文怎麼講吧....:-)))
my friend took this picture lately on a hiking trip with me....guest what are those black tiny little things? They are tadpoles...:-))) a perfect shot to remember & celebrate the Earth Day...朋友和我踏青時拍了這張照片 你猜那黑色的東東是甚麼...??? 是蝌蚪...剛好用來記念世界地球日 |
世界地球日 (Earth Day) 即每年的4月22日,是一項世界性的環境保護活動。在這天175個以上不同國籍的人們以各自不同的方式宣傳和實踐環境保護的觀念。現在用英文說說看: Earth Day is on April 22nd every year, on which events are held
worldwide to increase awareness (意識 瞭解) and appreciation (感激 欣賞) of the Earth's natural environment(環境). Earth Day is now coordinated
(協同 統籌)
globally by the Earth Day Network,
and is celebrated (慶祝) in more than 175
countries every year.
The Three Rs (你知道解決垃圾的環保三R運動為何嗎?)
One of the keys to successfully helping the environment is recycling, but more specifically, there are three factors that help us focus our efforts: reduce, reuse and recycle.
Reduce (減量) - If we eat 3 candies instead of 10 per day, we are reducing the number of candies we eat, and therefore we reduce the amount of sugar we consume (消耗). In this case, the concept of reducing is linked to (與…相關) making less garbage. If we buy lots of small juice boxes, then we make a lot of garbage. If we buy one big juice box and refill washable bottles, we’re making less garbage. Can you come up with more examples of ways to reduce garbage?
Reuse ( 再利用) - If we fill a plastic bottle (塑膠瓶) with water instead of throwing it away, we are reusing it. The concept of reusing is linked to using an item more than once. For example, if the supermarket gives us our groceries (雜貨) in a plastic bag, we can keep the bag and use it the next time we go to the market. Do you know more examples of reusing?
Recycle (回收) - What things do you recycle at home? The concept of recycling is linked to turning something that was once useful into another useful item. Some examples of materials (材料 原料) that may be recycled like paper and glass. What other materials may be recycled?
OK, 現在就來想想以下的問題吧….看你能答對幾題?
1. What is an ecosystem?
a) It is a place having unique physical features—including air, water and
land—supporting plant and animal life.
b) It's a process to name newly discovered plants and animals.
c) It's a popular computer game.
2. What is the symbol for recycling?
a) The Earth with a heart on it
b) Three arrows that create an endless loop
c) A gold star
3. How does planting trees help our
a) Trees help clean the air.
b) Trees provide homes for birds and other animals.
c) Trees help reduce pollution in water.
d) All of the above.
4. Which uses less water…a shower or a bath?
a) A shower
b) A bath
5. Which of these things is NOT recyclable?
a) Foam drinking cups
b) Plastic bags
c) Cell phones
6. What is composting?
a) Posting information about the environment online
b) Pulling weeds in your garden
c) Recycling scraps of fruit, veggies and other organic materials by
planting them outside
7. What is a carbon footprint?
a) A dinosaur fossil
b) A measure of the impact our actions and activities have on our planet and
the climate
c) A cute picture you made with your feet to give to mom
8. What is the greenhouse effect?
a) When you mom decides to paint your house green one summer
b) When the weather gets warmer and plants start growing in spring
c) The rise in temperature the Earth experiences because certain gases in
the atmosphere trap energy from the sun to warm up the Earth
9. What does it mean when food is organic?
a) It is food that is made or grown without the use of chemicals and
b) It won't taste good.
c) It was made while someone was playing the organ.
10. Which of these things is something you could do to help save our planet?
a) Turn off the water while you brush your teeth
b) Ride your bike to work or to school
c) Remind your parents to bring reusable bags when you go grocery shopping
d) All of the above
the Earth Day 世界地球日 (by AK Lee)
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