今天收到一封信詢問如那些媒體是適合學習英文 這位學生以經短暫的到過美國一些地方 在忙錄的生活中 希望能擠出一些時間來唸唸英文~ 以下是我的回覆與感想與大家分享:
對於語言 我是個實用主義者 我覺得你應開把英文當作你 "生活" 的一部份 而不再只是 "學習" 的一部份
從觀看各大媒體的新聞著手 NBC ABC CBS BBC 新聞是寫給一般民眾看的 一般都不難 你的目標在訓速複習你已知道卻不熟的單字片語 而不在於獲取新字 重覆才是學好語言的關鍵 (repetition is the key)
軟性方面從老牌情境喜劇(sitcom)下手 找到一齣你喜歡的常期型情境喜劇每天看一集
Seinfeld, Friends, Cheers, Frasier, Golden Girls
閱讀方面 New York Times, NPR, BBC 寫的最好
最後在真實生活面找一個像我這樣真正說英文的朋友 "混" 在一起 很快你的英文就會大大的進步了 我的網上課程就是依此 "從真實生活學英語" 的原則而設計的
以下是我的網誌 也要記得常看
AK Lee 英文老師 (By AK Lee)
Today I received a letter asking what medias are suitable for students who're learn English in Taiwan. This person have done some short visits to the US and he hope to spare some time during his busy schedule to learn English. The following is my reply and thoughts that I would like to share with everyone of you:
In terms of learning language, I am a pragmatist and I believe everybody should make learning English a part of your "life" rather than simply a part of "learning" such as sitting in the class rooms back in HS or college.
First of all, try to watch the news from the major TV stations such as NBC, ABC, CBS, and BBC...etc. News is written for the general public, which shouldn't be overaly too difficult to view. Your target is to "repeat" the words or phrase you know not not familiar with by quickly viewing through the daily program. Your goal is not to learn a lot pf new words via the session (of course, you will anyway). Keep in mind: repetition is the key...!!! This is the golden rule of learning languages.
In terms of the "softer" side of viewing experiences, pick a long-run classic sitcom. Find one you like the normal period-type situation comedy and view one episode each day. Below are some classic sitcoms:
Seinfeld, Friends, Cheers, Frasier, Golden Girls
When it comes to "reading", New York Times, NPR, BBC tare the BEST.
Finally, if you can, find a real English-speaking friend like myself to hang out from time to time. You will make significant progress in English before you know it. My online classes are desinged to meet the need of people who need a real English-speacking friend to practice their English skill.
The following is my blog and please stop by often for new postings:
AK Lee (English Teacher) (by AK Lee)