2011年9月30日 星期五

TOEIC 閱讀策略 the strategy of TOEIC reading (by AK Lee)

TOEIC 閱讀策略 the strategy of TOEIC reading (by AK Lee)

其次,“瀏覽”的文章的主要思想。有時候,你沒有必要徹底閱讀整篇文章。你需要做只的是“瀏覽”文章迅速獲得文章大意 你不須要詳細閱讀它的每一個單字。



(1)easy 容易: pick easy materials to read 挑容易的文章練習閱讀

(2)skim 瀏覽: skim for the main ideas 大致瀏覽找出文章大意

(3)scan 掃描: scan for the specific info 快速掃瞄找出目標資訓

希望這篇 blog 能對你準備 TOEIC 有所幫助...!!!

(AK Lee)

First of all, do not read overly difficult materials prior to the test, read easy ones instead. The goal of this section is to increase your reading speed, not to increase your vocabulary.
Secondly, try to "skim" for the main ideas of the essays. Sometimes, you do not have to read the whole thing thoroughly. All you need to do is to "skim" the essay quickly to obtain the main ideas of the story without reading every single word of it. 
Lastly, you should learn to "scan" for specific key words to locate your answers. In other words, when you are "scanning" the essay for answers, you are NOT reading the passage. For example: when all you need to answer a question is the date & time of a certain event, there is no reason to waste your time reading through the whole passage. 
So keep these 3 steps in mind:
(1) easy: pick easy materials to read
(2) skim: skim for the main ideas
(3) scan: scan for the specific info
Hope this may help...!!!

(by AK Lee)

2011年9月27日 星期二

常見的英文文法用語 Common Terms in English Grammar (by AK Lee)

gm.jpg  常見的英文文法用語 (by AK Lee)
Below are some common terms in English grammar and how I introduce those to my students in classes

1 冠詞冠詞基本上包含定冠詞 不定冠詞,我們會學習如何於句子使用正確的冠詞 有時後我們也會遇到沒有冠詞的時機喔。

Articles include definite articles & indefinite articles. We will learn how to use the right articles in sentences. Sometimes; we may also see no article is used in some occasions.
2情態助動詞我們應學會定義甚麼是情態副詞 及其這相關的詞彙。也要會解釋may/might, can/could, shall/should, will/would, must….等字及其使用時機。注意: 這些字的過去是有很多不同的意義及功能。
We should be able to define “modal” and related words. We should learn to explain words like may/might, can/could, will/would, shall/should, must and so on. Please be noted that the past terms of those words could have multiple meanings and functions.
3被動我會教你被動式的定義和相關的用詞。我們會用被動的例子來作練習。進一步試著去評論為什麼它被用來代替一般的主動句。注意: 就修詞學的角度而言 可以用主動時 絕不要用被動
We will understand the definitions of passive and learn related words. We also will become familiar with passive form by using examples. We should be able to comment on why it's used in place of the regular active form. Please be noted that you should not use passive form if the active form is available.

4 關係代名詞
The goal is to learn how to explain the definition of relative pronouns and use related words. We will use examples to point out the occasion of using appropriate relative pronouns.  
5grammar.gif  時態很重要的一個課題 我會先對時態作一般性的介紹再進而說明相關字的意義 - 然後分成例子說明每個句子的時態。
“Tenses” is a very important topic. I will present general introduction to tenses and the meaning of the word - then divide into examples of each tense with illustrative sentences.
6 形容詞我會於課堂中解釋甚麼是形容詞和它的功能。我們會一起使用的幾個形容詞來造句。形容詞學的越多, 你的語彙表達能力越豐富。
I will explain the word and its function. We will use several adjectives together to form sentences. The more adjectives you know, the better you can express yourself.
7 副詞我會解釋詞和它的功能,如它跟動其及形容詞之間的關係。參照不同類型的副詞,再次以例句說明其始用時機。
I will explain the word, its function and the relationship between adverbs & verbs/adjectives…etc. I will also refer to all different types of adverb and then point out the occasion of use with illustrative sentences
I will give brief introduction to the purpose of punctuation - and what happens in its absence. I will use illustrative sentences to explanation of various punctuation marks.
9條件句我會解釋甚麼是條件句和介紹其相關的詞。條件句有許多應注意的事項 這可能是一個不容易懂得課題。我會用說明性的例句來介紹不同類型的條件句和標準的混合式條件句。
I will explain of the term and related words. I will also point out the difference between standard conditional forms and mixed ones with illustrative sentences.
10 動詞片語我會教你如何定義一個動詞片語  我們會選擇一些最常用的句子來示範如何使用它們,並進一步了解甚麼樣的時機使用什麼樣的動詞片語和。
I will give the definition of what a phrasal verb is and use examples to you how they are used and formed by choosing some of the most common used phrasal verbs in common sentences.
I will give commentary on principal parts of the verb such as infinitive, gerund and participles and so on by using illustrative sentences.
12假設語氣這也是一個非常重要而難懂的課題, 我會介紹假設語氣形成和它的使用時機。
Once again, this is a very important topic that not so easy to understand I will give Introduction to this formation and its use by using appropriate examples.
13介係詞介係詞有大概的使用規範 但也有不少的例外,我會介紹介係詞的含義及介係詞的使用時機及其在句子中的位置。須要注意的是一些相關介係詞組其個別不同用法如under/below/beneath
Meaning of the word. Use of prepositions and their position in the sentence. Notes about groups/pairs of the most common prepositions and their differences as under/below/beneath.
14 連接詞

I will give definition and purpose and position of conjunctions by using examples in sentences of the most common.

I will give you the explanation of 'reported', 'direct', 'indirect' and related words. I will also illustrate the reasons for use and formation.
(by AK Lee)

該用 their, they're 或是 there 呢? (by AK Lee)

該用 their, they're 或是 there 呢? (by AK Lee)
我在美國擔任前檯經理時 我時常必須要糾正一些以英語為母語的美國人 相信我 大多數美國人的英語是



甚至可以說是膚淺的 他們的高中生 大學生 的字彙量極低 文法一竅不通 所以寫作錯誤連篇 從現在開始我會撰寫一些英語常犯錯誤 這些錯誤不論你是否以英語為母語 都是要謹慎避免的陷阱

they're, their  和 there 這三個詞往往被錯誤使用,即使是以英語為母語的人士都無法避免。其實只要使用一點小技巧,它們並不難了解 以下是其正確的使用時機。

 they're 是 they are 的縮寫 例如 They are identical twins. 他們是同卵雙包胎

 就如同 his (he), her (she), its (it) 和 my (I)一樣, Their 是they 的所有格:
All students in this class brought their own laptops. 這個班上的所有學生都攜帶他們自己的筆記型電腦。

There 則是一個副詞表 "在那邊 在那個地方

Call me as soon as you get there. 當你一到達那邊時馬上打電話給我。

They’re going to move there with all their families. 他們將與所有他們的家人搬到那兒去.

They're, their and there are 3 words often used incorrectly (even by native English speakers). Again, it’s not very difficult to remember which is correct when.
First of all, "they’re" is the short form of "they are", for example:
They are identical twins = They're identical twins.

Just like his, her, its or my, "their" is a possessive form of "they" :
All students in this class brought their own laptops.
Lastly, "there" is an adverb meaning "in that place". Below are some sample sentences:
Call me as soon as you get there.
Here’s a sentence with all the 3 words I just mentioned. Do you know what this sentence mean excatly?
They’re going to move there with all their families.
(by AK Lee)

著名中文成語的英文翻譯 Famous Chinese Proverbs in English (By AK Lee)

著名中文成語的英文翻譯 Famous Chinese Proverbs in English (By AK Lee)
chinese sayings.jpg  
  到把英文翻譯先蓋起來 試試看自己可以翻對多少喔....:-)  Cover up the English translation to see how much you can make this out....:-) 

Clothes make the man.
Don't put the cart before the horse.
Good medicine tastes bitter. 
Every minute counts.
Actions speak louder than words.
Do in Rome as the Romans do .
All good things come to an end.
God helps those who help themselves.
Easier said than done.
A word spoken is past recalling.
Beauty is but skin deep.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 
Health is better than wealth.
Men are not to be measured in inches.
You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.
Happy is he who is content.
(by AK Lee)

如何用英文寫出好文章 (by AK Lee)

 如何用英文寫出好文章 (by AK Lee)



(3)使用簡單明瞭的字句來表達你的想法-----避免複雜不熟悉的字眼 以免弄巧成拙 。



How to write a good essay in English (By AK Lee) :
(1)  Plan well in advance before you start it-----don't write straight away, think over your main idea before you start it.
(2) Jot down briefly the main ideas, supporting paragraphs and points-----build a sound structure before you fill in the details.
(3)  Keep your sentences clear and simple to express your ideas-----avoid complex words that you are not familiar or comfortable with.
(4) Stay focused on the main idea of your essay-----Trim down the redundant details that are irrelevant to the core idea.
(5) Re-examine your essay in the end just to make sure it is overall smooth and things make senses-----You may always make a few spelling or grammar mistakes while you're writing your essay. Hence it is a good idea to try to read through your essay once more and correct them.
(By AK Lee)

想成為英文達人嗎? Would you like to become an English pro? (by AK Lee)

想成為英文達人嗎? Would you like to become an English pro? (by AK Lee)
我基本上是在美國靠說英文維生的人 與國內大多數英文老師不同的是: 我除了紥實的理論基礎外還有充沛的實務經驗 (高層服務業經理人) 我之前的工作是pro.jpg美國一家四星級全功能飯店的客戶服務經理 及 財務總監 (屬於 Executive Committee 一員) 我每天要跟上百名的客戶及員工用英語溝通 
從另一個角度而言 我除了具有流利道地的美式發音外 我的英文實力不是那些短期到國外自助旅行的背包客洋人混混 (hustlers) 所可以比擬  我主張英語是應該高級有格調 且具 多元性 和 世界觀 (high-class English with variety of common knowledge & global view) 具一項官方統計 大多市數的美國高中生的日常生活百分之九十的對話竟然只有用到八百個單字 真是少的可憐 很容易就可以用一個中等難度以上的字彙把他們考 倒 至於文法 作文 拼音就更是一翹不通 那中文就別提了 能夠稱的上精通中英文的 (具有深度的了解雙語) 是宛如鳳毛麟角 這就是為何我被選為美國各大知名公司機關如波音公司及華盛頓州立大學在台特屬即席翻議的原因  

我 的課程偏實用路線 也與國內土法煉鋼的老師大有不同 你一定聽過有人有出國觀光或留學計劃卻又擔心有文化震憾(Culture Shock)  或是懷疑無數年英文功力或高分TOEFL就無法順利出國 這些皆是錯誤觀念! 我的課程教你如何利用你既之基礎, 快速有效加強當代最實用易懂之文法,字彙,片語及發音輔助,以我多年旅美經驗,從食衣住行育樂,尤其在住宿,問路,餐飲,購物,社交,健康,心理等各種主 題切入捷徑(Shortcut),讓禰快速成為英語門內人(Insider) ,換句話說 不論你英文再差我也有辦法在短期內讓你看到成效!
有沒 有想過 為何學英語多年仍無法開口 ?  語言之首要目的本在溝通, 開口說英語並無需數年紮實的英文底子, 我旅美多年,看過無數非本科出生也能說流暢英文之實例,我們一對一教學會讓你有充份對話機會,創造全英語會話環境,運用簡易英語解說較深度英語。密集再 造,快速提昇您的會話能力 
我的費用是一堂課(一小時)六百元台幣  我多數的學生一個禮拜上一堂課  一個月的平均費用是 2600 NT 若有其外的問題 歡迎隨時詢問喔  
無論你住那裡 無論你想出國旅遊 遊學 留學 或只是想精進你的英語實力 我都能把你訓練成英文高手
Teaching English Conversation is my passion. In my opinion, teaching English is not just to introduce the language itself, but also to convey culture, humanity & life experiences. Currently, I am dedicated myself in 1-on-1 online teaching via Skype.  I also provide services in the fields of Interpretation & Translation, preparing English document, thesis, letters, resumes...etc. along with consulting services for interviews in English. With my solid academic training and real-life experiences.
No matter where you are, now matter if you are planning on traveling, going overseas for further study, or simply want to polish your English skills. By taking my 1-on1 online ENglish classes, I will make you an English pro.....!!!
(By AK Lee)

該用 it's 或 its 呢? (by AK Lee)

its-a-boy-girl.jpg該用 it's 或 its 呢? (by AK Lee)這 兩個字,對很多人而言都是非常混亂的 (包括以英語為母語的人士)。人們經常把這兩個字混淆不清。事實上,在指定情況下選擇正確用字並不困難:
“it's”是以下兩組詞的縮寫(1)“it is”或(2)“it has(been)”。請看下面的例子:
It’s a good idea to bring extra cash with you. = It's a good idea to to bring extra cash with you. 這是一個好主意,與你帶來額外的現金。 =這是一個好主意,給你帶來額外的現金。
It’s been broken for a while.  = It has been broken for a while. 它被打破了一段時間。 =它已被打破了一段時間。

my (I), his (he), her (she) and your (you)等等,這裡是一些例子:
Every part of the computer was badly damaged except for its hard disk.  這個電腦的每一部分都嚴重受損,只有它的硬碟除外。The hotel and its garden are both haunted by ghosts. 這個酒店和它的花園都鬧鬼。
"It's" and "its" two words that could be very confusing to many people including native English speakers. People uses “its” incorrectly when they're supposed to use "it's" instead.  In fact, it’s not difficult at all to decide which word to choose in a given situation:
"it’s"  is the short form of (1) "it is" or (2) " it has (been)".  Please see examples below:
It’s a good idea to bring extra cash with you. = It's a good idea to to bring extra cash with you.

It’s been broken for a while.  = It has been broken for a while.

"its" is a possessive form of "it", just like my (I), his (he), her (she) and your (you), here are some examples:
Every part of the computer was badly damaged except for its hard disk. 
The hotel and its garden are both haunted by ghosts.
(by AK Lee)

"vintage" v.s. "antique" "’復古" v.s. "古董" (by AK Lee)

昨 天在課堂上介紹了 "vintage" 這個字, 有人就問到了以下的問題: 到底 "vintage" 跟 "antique" 有何不同? 基本上就一般使用而言, “vintage”是一個有關於“更新”或“復古”的詞。它描 述的東西是老到剛好可以再次回到時尚的行列 。 例如:20 世紀 70年代風格時尚,(我不知道為什麼現在會重新流行),所以在70年代的東西可以被稱為“vintage”。 20世紀 80 年代的風格尚未歸返時尚地行列 (或尚未“復甦”,姑且讓我這樣  說),所以我們暫時把它們留在“過時”的類別中。總的來說,它強調“復古”的想法。 而"antique" 則是一個通用術語,指的是任何有真正歷史價值的"古董",通常是非常非常老,它不需要再回到時尚,也許永遠也回不了時尚。例如,唐朝的“兵馬甬”肯定是"antique"(當然囉 我指的是真品)的藝術作品,而不是一個"vintage"的東西。vintage這個詞已經被濫用了很長一段時間 ---請特別小心,尤其是當有人試圖向你推銷東西的時候。
(by AK Lee)