“it's”是以下兩組詞的縮寫(1)“it is”或(2)“it has(been)”。請看下面的例子:
It’s a good idea to bring extra cash with you. = It's a good idea to to bring extra cash with you. 這是一個好主意,與你帶來額外的現金。 =這是一個好主意,給你帶來額外的現金。
It’s been broken for a while. = It has been broken for a while. 它被打破了一段時間。 =它已被打破了一段時間。
“its”是“it”的所有格,就像my (I), his (he), her (she) and your (you)等等,這裡是一些例子:
Every part of the computer was badly damaged except for its hard disk. 這個電腦的每一部分都嚴重受損,只有它的硬碟除外。The hotel and its garden are both haunted by ghosts. 這個酒店和它的花園都鬧鬼。
"It's" and "its" two words that could be very confusing to many people including native English speakers. People uses “its” incorrectly when they're supposed to use "it's" instead. In fact, it’s not difficult at all to decide which word to choose in a given situation:
"it’s" is the short form of (1) "it is" or (2) " it has (been)". Please see examples below:
It’s a good idea to bring extra cash with you. = It's a good idea to to bring extra cash with you.
It’s been broken for a while. = It has been broken for a while.
"its" is a possessive form of "it", just like my (I), his (he), her (she) and your (you), here are some examples:
Every part of the computer was badly damaged except for its hard disk.
The hotel and its garden are both haunted by ghosts.
(by AK Lee)
"it’s" is the short form of (1) "it is" or (2) " it has (been)". Please see examples below:
It’s a good idea to bring extra cash with you. = It's a good idea to to bring extra cash with you.
It’s been broken for a while. = It has been broken for a while.
"its" is a possessive form of "it", just like my (I), his (he), her (she) and your (you), here are some examples:
Every part of the computer was badly damaged except for its hard disk.
The hotel and its garden are both haunted by ghosts.
(by AK Lee)