2011年10月26日 星期三

Astrology (Zodiac) & Personality (By AK Lee)

Astrology (Zodiac) & Personality (By AK Lee)
zodiac.jpg  Whether you believe in Zodiac traits not, once you study your own sign and the signs of those you care about,  you are very likely to think that there must be something to this. 無論你相不相信星座特質,一旦你研究你自己的和那些所關心的人們的星座,你很可能會認為星座與個性之間有著一定的關聯。
In my personal experience, even when I don't think a certain individual fits into his/her category initially, as time goes by, I found that they indeed do fit with amazing accuracy.  Certainly, classifying everyone on earth into 12 personality types seems absurd, but surprisingly it seems to work very well in some mysterious way......依 我個人的經驗而言,即使我一開始不認為某個人可歸於他們所屬的類別,隨著光陰的流逝,我發現他們確實有不可思意的準確性。當然,把地球上的每個人都以此十 二個星座來分類似乎有些荒謬,但令人驚訝的是,星座似乎以某種神秘的方式非常良好地運作著.....。以下是常見一般認定星座與個性的關聯 我就不寫中文 了 練習一下你的閱讀吧 Below are some common ideas between astrology & personality...enjoy it!!!

水瓶座AQUARIUS - I KNOW (Jan. 21st - Feb. 18th)

They are among the intelligent in the crowd. A sense of humor (幽默感), coupled with great intelligence and deep thinking make them stand out. They make loyal and honest friends. They are independent thinkers with great originality in their thoughts and actions. They may appear indifferent (漠不關心) and less emotional. If you have an Aquarian around you, you may find it difficult to understand him/her.

雙魚座PISCES - I BELIEVE (Feb. 19th - March 20th)

They are sensitive and sympathetic (具有同情心的). They are kind and helpful. They can go out of their way to help their dear ones. This makes them excellent friends. Opinions of others can easily influence them due to which they can easily get carried away(得意忘形). They are not very determined or courageous. They are often vague in thinking and behavior. But their idealism is their true differentiator.

白羊座ARIES - I AM (March 21st - April 20th)

People falling under this sign are adventurous(愛冒險的). They are generally self-willed and courageous. They may be seen as short-tempered individuals. They are often clever and confident. On some occasions they act impatiently. Their impulsiveness(衝動) and quick temper can be their potential enemies. If they overcome these weaknesses, they can achieve success in life, owing to their confidence and clarity in thinking.

金牛座TAURUS - I HAVE (April 21st - May 21st)

Those belonging to this sign are romantics. Their love for style and beauty is apparent in their way of living. They are warm at heart and prefer being secure in life. As friends, they are trustworthy(值得信任的) and helpful. But they can be possessive (佔有慾強的) about everything they have. This may translate to selfishness and greed. If on guard about these negativities, a Taurus can make a good company and an excellent friend.

雙子座GEMINI - I THINK(May 22nd - June 21st)

People belonging to this sign are versatile (多才多藝的) and quick-witted. They are spontaneous in communication. They come across as intelligent people. Their love towards life is evident from their living! But they tend to worry too much on certain issues and fail in managing their stress. They form opinions pretty quickly and sometimes appear to look superficially (膚淺的) at life.

巨蟹座CANCER - I FEEL (June 22nd - July 22nd)

Those falling under this zodiac sign form the sentimental (多愁善感的) lot. They are of a loving and a caring nature. They are cautious in their actions. They are very protective towards their loved ones. This nature makes them excellent and caring parents. Cancers often have an imaginative and artistic side to their life. They are subject to varying moods. Their overly emotional (過度情緒化)nature needs to be worked on. On the whole, they are good human beings.

獅子座LEO - I WILL (July 23rd - August 23rd)

Leos are generous(慷慨的) and open-minded. They are quite caring in nature. They possess a dominating (統治慾強的) nature coupled with a knack of taking everyone along. This combination of traits makes them true leaders. They may be egoistic and bossy. They tend to easily lose their temper. They are both open-minded and openhanded and show deep love for magnificence and luxury. Leos are real kings!

處女座VIRGO - I ANALIZE (August 24th - Sept. 22nd)

They are very analytical (具有分析能力的). They tend to think overly on any given subject and base their conclusions on a long thought process and deep analysis. They have unidirectional talents. They are absolute purists. Their overcritical (吹毛求疵的) nature can become a cause of their troubles but otherwise they are intelligent and good decision-makers.

天秤座LIBRA - I BALANCE (Sept. 23rd - Oct. 23rd)

Their romantic nature is coupled with serenity (寧靜 平和). They are balanced in nature and know how to keep their cool at all occasions. At times, they find it difficult to express themselves. Though they appear aloof, they are attached to their near ones. They tend to get influenced by the views of others. It makes them indecisive (優柔寡斷的). Apart from these lacunae, they are on the whole reasonable and thoughtful.

天蠍座SCORPIO - I DESIRE (Oct. 24th - Nov. 22nd)

Scorpios are passionate individuals with a magnetic (有磁性的 有魅力的) personality. They are forceful about going by their opinions. They have clarity of thought and expression. Due to their possessive nature, they become jealous quite easily. They are clever and courageous. They can be resentful (不滿的 怨恨的) and obsessive. They seek to take revenge of the wrongdoers. So be careful while dealing with Scorpios.

射手座SAGITTARIUS - I AIM (Nov. 23rd - Dec. 21st)

They are intelligent and philosophical (賢明的 具有哲理的). They know how to lighten up any atmosphere. They are fun-loving in nature. Sometimes their excessive optimism (過度樂觀) makes them behave carelessly. Their moods and whims can be bothersome but on the whole, they are intelligent people with a good sense of humor.

摩羯座CAPRICORN - I USE (Dec. 22nd - Jan. 20th)

They are prudent (僅慎的) and practical. Their ambitious nature does not allow them to ever give up. They are vigilant. They plan before playing any game of life. They may come across as sadistic individuals who are orthodox and rigid (正統而僵化的). Perseverance and tolerance are their greatest qualities. They are generally upfront in fighting whatever comes in their way.

Astrology (Zodiac) & Personality (By AK Lee)

"light up" & "lighten up" 之間的差異 (by AK Lee)

"light up" & "lighten up" 之間的差異 (by AK Lee)
  (1) To light up is to make something brighter or happier.

(A) "They light up their house with beautiful lanterns whenever they have parties." (Literal)
(B) "She lights up the room with her personality." (Figurative)

(2) Lighten up is to become less sad or less serious, usually without an object, "You are always so serious. Can't you just lighten up?"

用法(b)及(2)可能是非常相似和混亂,但我認為 “light up”(二)是更積極主動,而“lighten up”是相對被動。我從來沒有太注意這兩個字的差別,而且我相信大多數人也沒有注意到其差異。儘管如此,基於我的研究,嚴格來說,這兩個動詞之間是有著細 微的差別的。

The usage (B) & (2) could be very similar & confusing, but I think "light up" (B) is more agressive, while "lighten up" is relatively passive. I never pay much attention to difference of those two verbs, and I believe most people don't notice it that much either. Still, based on my research, strictly speaking, there is a slight difference between thiese 2 verbs.

"不婚族" 的英文怎麼說? How to call those people who don't want to get married? (by AK Lee)

"不婚族" 的英文怎麼說? How to call those people who don't want to get married? (by AK Lee) 
今天有人問我 "不婚族" 的英文怎麼說 沒有一個完美的答案 以下說法供你參考
Someone asked me how to say " 不婚族" today. I really don't know a perfect term for it and neither can I find an appropriate way to describe those people who do not want to get married for all kinds of reasons, but there are a couple of various ways to describe people in this situation ust for you reference:

(1) I saw a website that uses the term "marriagefree" to refer to people who have made a conscious decision not to get married, or are actively opposed to marriage. It includes single people and those in relationships.
(2) 不婚族 I don’t want to be in the Never-Marry Group.
(3) 獨身主義者--celibtarian"或是用"獨身主義---bachelorism"
(4) 不婚男生 a confirmed bachelor 不婚女生 a spinster
(5) a quikyalone-----a person who enjoys being single, but is not opposed to being in a relationship.

2011年10月6日 星期四

AK 的英語教室: 學習英文的網上資源和媒體 quality media & resources for Eng...

AK 的英語教室: 學習英文的網上資源和媒體 quality media & resources for Eng...: 學習英文的網上資源和媒體 quality media & resources for English learning (by AK Lee) 今天收到一封信詢問如那些媒體是適合學習英文 這位學生以經短暫的到過美國一些地方 在忙錄的生活中 希望能擠出一些時間來唸唸英文~...

2011年10月3日 星期一

學習英文的網上資源和媒體 quality media & resources for English learning (by AK Lee)

學習英文的網上資源和媒體     quality media & resources for English learning (by AK Lee)
今天收到一封信詢問如那些媒體是適合學習英文 這位學生以經短暫的到過美國一些地方 在忙錄的生活中 希望能擠出一些時間來唸唸英文~  以下是我的回覆與感想與大家分享:
對於語言 我是個實用主義者 我覺得你應開把英文當作你 "生活" 的一部份 而不再只是 "學習" 的一部份
從觀看各大媒體的新聞著手 NBC ABC CBS BBC 新聞是寫給一般民眾看的 一般都不難 你的目標在訓速複習你已知道卻不熟的單字片語 而不在於獲取新字 重覆才是學好語言的關鍵 (repetition is the key)
軟性方面從老牌情境喜劇(sitcom)下手 找到一齣你喜歡的常期型情境喜劇每天看一集
Seinfeld, Friends, Cheers, Frasier, Golden Girls
閱讀方面 New York Times, NPR, BBC 寫的最好
最後在真實生活面找一個像我這樣真正說英文的朋友 "混" 在一起 很快你的英文就會大大的進步了 我的網上課程就是依此 "從真實生活學英語" 的原則而設計的
以下是我的網誌 也要記得常看

AK Lee 英文老師 (By AK Lee)

Today I  received a letter asking what medias are suitable for students who're  learn English in Taiwan. This person have done some  short visits to the US and he hope to spare some time during his busy schedule to learn English.  The following is my reply and thoughts that I would like to  share with everyone of you:
 In terms of learning  language, I am a pragmatist and  I believe everybody should make learning English a part of your "life" rather than simply a part of "learning" such as sitting in the class rooms back in HS or college.

First of all, try to watch the news from the major TV stations such as NBC, ABC, CBS, and BBC...etc.  News is written for the general public, which shouldn't be overaly too difficult to view.  Your target is to "repeat" the words or phrase you know not not familiar with by quickly viewing through the daily program. Your goal is not to learn a lot pf new words via the session (of course, you will anyway). Keep in mind: repetition is the key...!!! This is the golden rule of learning languages.
In terms of the "softer" side of viewing experiences, pick a long-run classic sitcom. Find one you like the normal period-type situation comedy and view one episode each day.  Below are some classic sitcoms:
Seinfeld, Friends, Cheers, Frasier, Golden Girls
When it comes to "reading",  New York Times, NPR, BBC tare the BEST.
Finally, if you can, find a real English-speaking friend like myself to hang out from time to time. You will make significant progress in English before you know it. My online classes are desinged to meet the need of people who need a real English-speacking friend to practice their English skill.
The following is my blog and please stop by often for new postings:

 AK Lee (English Teacher) (by AK  Lee)